Renowned Korean actress Kim Min-hee, 42, is expecting her first child with acclaimed film director Hong Sang-soo, 64. The couple confirmed the pregnancy last summer, with reports from Korean entertainment outlet Dispatch indicating that Kim conceived naturally. The child is expected to arrive this spring.
Kim and Hong live together in Hanam, Gyeonggi province, South Korea. Hong relocated from Seoul to be near Kim’s parents, reflecting the couple’s commitment to building their life together. In December, they were seen enjoying outings, including dining in Seoul and shopping at a local market. Kim was seen driving during these trips, while Hong recently resumed driving lessons, likely in preparation for the baby’s arrival.
On January 15, the couple was spotted visiting an obstetrics clinic together, where Hong accompanied Kim throughout her checkups and tests. Despite public attention, they appeared unfazed, demonstrating a strong sense of unity as they navigate this significant phase of their lives.
Kim and Hong’s relationship began in 2015 during the filming of Right Now, Wrong Then and became public in 2017 when they admitted to their affair. Despite Hong being legally married to his estranged wife, the couple has lived together for nine years. The baby is expected to be registered under Hong’s name but may also be listed as born out of wedlock. Alternatively, Kim may choose to register the child under her own name.
Since the relationship became public, Kim has appeared exclusively in Hong’s films, including The Day After, Hotel by the River, and The Woman Who Ran. Her performance in By the Stream earned her the Best Actress Award at the 77th Locarno Film Festival in August 2024, a period during which she was already pregnant.
As the couple prepares to welcome their child, they remain focused on their family despite the public scrutiny surrounding their relationship. While their journey has sparked controversy, this marks a new chapter in their personal and professional lives.