The popular South Korean television show, Bloodhounds is coming back with another spectacular season with Gun-Woo and Woo-Jin. Following the massive success of the series’ first season, Netflix has announced Bloodhounds Season 2.
On Thursday, 16th January 2025, the popular streaming platform, Netflix, disclosed on its official Twitter account that the drama directed by Kim Joo-Hwan is coming to the viewers’s screens with another thrilling season. Also, Netflix Korea made the same announcement on its Instagram account. The officials of Netflix also revealed that the whole cast and crew of the Korean drama got together on the same day to read the script of Season 2 of the show.
The first episode of Bloodhounds Season 1 was released on Netflix on 9th June 2023. Since its release, the action-packed show, which is inspired by a webtoon of the same name, has become very popular all over the globe. Several reports have revealed that Season 1 of the television series was watched for 146.7 million viewing hours. For its spectacular stunt scenes and thoughtful storyline, Bloodhounds Season 1 was highly praised.
While the renewal announcement for another season has been made and the show is in production, there is no confirmed release date for Bloodhounds Season 2 as of now. Some speculate that Bloodhounds Season 2 might come out on Netflix this year only, that is, 2025.
With regard to the cast and characters of the show, Netflix has announced that Season 2 will feature Woo Do-Hwan and Lee Sang-Yi. Both South Korean actors will be seen in the upcoming season reprising their roles as Gun-Woo and Woo-Jin. Moreover, popular South Korean celebrity Rain will be appearing in the forthcoming season of Bloodhounds as Baek-Jeong, the deadly villain.
Season 2 of Bloodhounds will revolve around the reunion of Woo-Jin and Gun-Woo. Both the characters will come together as a team in order to defeat the villain, Baek-Jeong, who runs an underground illegal boxing league. At the same time, the villain of the show will try his level best to put both the lead characters in some of the most difficult and life-threatening situations. In Season 1 of Bloodhounds, Woo-Jin and Gun-Woo come together to defeat the evil loan shark, Kim Myeong-Gil. However, in Season 2, they will be standing up against the powerful criminal, Baek-Jeong.